Thursday, February 14, 2013

News from the MTC

"The Map"
Hermana Lund and the 3 other sisters in her district -all headed to San Antonio

 Hermana Lund and Hermana Christensen

 The District -6 elders headed to Honduras, 4 sisters headed to San Antonio

Here are a couple paragraphs from her last email:

So, I guess I'll just pick up where I left off in my letter. My district is AWESOME. We have 3 companionships of elders and 2 companionships of hermanas: all the elders are going to Honduras and the hermanas are all going to San Antonio. I love them all. The elders are definitely 18-19 year old boys. We've had to set quite a few district goals to keep everything under control at the end of the day when everyone's wound up. But they're such hard workers at the same time. Most of the missionaries in my district have little or no Spanish background and it's been great to see how far they've progressed already. And we've become such good friends already. The elders tease us hermanas and we all support each other however we can. I honestly don't think I could have picked better missionaries to spend 6 weeks with.

And my companion! Oh, how I love her! Hermana Christensen is 21 like me (only Hermana Regan is 19) and we get along so well. Hna. C. is super friendly and is a very hard worker, and her Spanish is already really good. We are already so close. Today we even made up a Spanish song about lunch on the way home from the temple. It's probably the greatest song I ever heard. I can't believe how much I lucked out to have gotten such an awesome companion. Sometimes it's hard to be around someone--anyone--all day every day, but I if I need to be stuck with someone I don't mind if it's Hna. C. I've already learned so much from her. It's weird how this kind of thing turns out. We're perfect for each other and the other companionships are perfect for each other, as well.

Before I came here everyone said a mission would be hard. I believed them, but I didn't really get it. And I'm still not sure I totally get it, but I understand better what they meant now. It's HARD! It's stressful and draining mentally and emotionally. But I have received more than enough blessings this week to keep me going. I already have a stronger love for and testimony of this gospel and there's nowhere I'd rather be right now. 

Thank you everyone for your letters!  I can't express how awesome letter are to missionaries. 

Mucho, mucho amor!!

Hermana Lund

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