Monday, January 20, 2014

A Heavenly Texas January

Mi Familia,

Wow! What a week. I'm learning things this transfer I've never had the "pleasure" to learn before. I swear. My mission has been a non-stop furnace. Just when I seem to be figuring it out, I get t-boned by something else. All I can say is this better make me the best wife and mom the world has ever seen.

But anyway, Justin, Mari, and Richard are still doing really well. Mari came to church for her 4th time and Justin & Richard for their 3rd yesterday. The ward has been awesome, too. Without us even knowing it, they invited Richard to church ball and he went! They say hi to people in church and always tell them that they will definitely be back (it never gets old to hear that). Richard and Mari even told us that they've been telling people that they're Mormon now. Ha! They have been getting a bit of persecution, but they hold strong because they know it's right and they already see the blessings. Yesterday the gospel principles lesson was on the Fall and afterwards Mari said that she just wishes she could show the Book of Mormon account (in 2 Nephi 2) to everyone because people outside this church just don't understand. They're awesome.

Richard was previously set with a date for the 1st, but we're not sure that he's onboard with that right now. Not exactly sure why. He's really hard to get to the bottom of things with. Justin and Mari--especially Justin--would get baptized now if the whole chastity thing wasn't in the way. We've been fairly bold with them and they understand what they need to do. It's just a matter of them wanting it badly enough to sacrifice. They will. I know they will.

Besides that we don't have a whole lot of investigators. Not progressing, anyway. We've been working a lot with the Relief Society President and Bishop, visiting anyone and everyone they want us to. I like it because it keeps us busy. This ward is incredible. They blow my mind all the time. We have 15 stellar ward missionaries and the greatest Ward Mission Leader I've ever seen. It's the easiest thing to get members to lessons and they always take it upon themselves afterwards to befriend the investigator. If I ever move to Texas this is definitely where I'm going.

I love you all! Keep me updated with how your missionary work is going at home. I'd love to hear your stories!

Have a fabulous week!

Hermana Lund

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