Monday, August 19, 2013

Worth It

This week has had its ups and its downs. It started strong, dipped a bit in the middle, but finished strong. And man, did it go FAST! I can't believe how fast mission time is--only two-ish more weeks in this transfer!

We've been struggling a bit lately with investigators. We have a good number, but they just can't seem to make us a priority. We're hoping that once summer ends it will be a little easier. It's just frustrating to know that you have the most important message they will ever hear and have them cancel appointments 2 minutes before or even refuse to make an appointment at all! This last week we worked super hard to have members at all our lessons. Out of the million we planned, only 3 ended up happening. The most frustrating was on Friday. We had a lesson planned with Amanda and her husband Isaac at the church with a great member who would be an awesome friend with Amanda. We were so excited because it would mean that Amanda had the support of her husband and a friend, and that both of them could see the church and feel comfortable to come on Sunday. But seriously 2 minutes before Amanda told us through text that Isaac was at his sister's house and that he didn't really want to come anyway, and that she couldn't come because Isaac had the car, and that we couldn't come over there because her mom didn't want us to, and that we couldn't pick her up in Sister Worthen's car because her mom was suddenly asking her to do all sorts of things. Sigh. But we're still working really hard to get members, and we just have to have faith that God will make up the difference. 

Amanda didn't end up coming to church yesterday. I was pretty bummed. She was SO set on coming. But she's been sick and having trouble sleeping, so 9:00 church was just not going to happen, I guess. Her family isn't any more supportive, either. Her parents really don't like us. I don't really know what to do honestly, besides pray and keep trying.

But we did have some success this week, too. In Riverside we had something called "Milagro Saturday." Every week on Saturday our district would look for miracles on Saturday, and we always found them! I've been trying to bring it here, and Saturday proved that Milagro Saturday is alive and well. We saw miracle after miracle, including finding a lady who was taught but somehow forgotten and wants to be taught again, a bunch of other awesome lessons, and a lesson with a less active that most people have given up on that went really, really well. And as we were driving back home (we were in Cienegas) there was a GORGEOUS sunset over the wide, barren, Texas/Mexico wilderness. And the road we take back to town is called "Milagro." We took some awesome pictures with that sign and the sunset in the background, a perfect tribute to our day. It was awesome. :)

Lately I've really been able to see how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are a part of my life and the things I'm doing. They really are with me, every step of the way. They really are with all of us, whenever we'll let them. They really love me, they really love the people I'm serving, and they really love all of you, too.

So Grandma, you asked a couple questions I wanted to answer here. She asked me what the branches are like here. The English branch is largely made of young families where the husband either works for the border control or the air force base here. They only stay for a couple years and then leave. Anyway, the ward is FILLED with pregnant women and I think the branch president said we have 32 children under 2 years old. Yeah. It's crazy.

The Spanish branch is really small. We can't even fill the pews. They are really fun and love to have fiestas! We actually had a branch activity at the park on Saturday that I think ended up lasting literally all day. We went for a couple hours and had a lot of fun getting to know the members better. They're great. 

You also asked about P-day. We have had SO much fun on P-days this transfer! We hiked the "mountain" of Del Rio a couple weeks ago--It's really just a dirt-clump, if you ask me--, we've played volleyball and basketball, gone thrift shopping, and today we're going out to the dam--the border of Mexico and Texas! Next week we're going to go do a flight simulator with some members who work at the base. Yeah. We have fun. 

Well, I'd better go. I love you all! Do you need a new scripture? If so, read and compare Mormon 1:11-15 and Mosiah 24:8-16. Talk about how we have the ability to choose how we react to situations.

Love you all, have a great week!

Mucho amor,

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