Monday, August 26, 2013

La Tierra de los Ocasos

This week was good and FAST! I lot happened and, like always, I can't possibly share it all. But just so you know, Amanda's family is doing much better! We got in and talked to them the other day. They used to love us before Amanda's mom got on and found a million things she hated, and I think she's just cooled down from that and loves us again. But she doesn't agree with us, not in the slightest. But still. I count the change as miraculous. Amanda has been hard to meet with, though. She's ALWAYS cancelling on us. But I think her heart's still in the right place so I think she'll be ok. 

We had a frustrating week numbers-wise. We've been working so hard and have basically nothing to show for it. But looking closely, our investigators really are doing well. We have a handful of solid investigators with real desires. And while they may not make all the decisions we wish they would, they are progressing. We just have to be patient.

Yesterday, for the 3rd week in a row, we had no investigators at church. We were super bummed until we saw Cristina and Hermana Trevino sitting in Sociedad de Socorro (Relief Society), completely unexpected! Hermana Trevino is a menos activo and Cristina is her friend we've been teaching (have I talked about her?). Cristina has firmly told us that she's not going to leave her family's tradition of Catholicism, but she has loved reading the Book of Mormon with Hermana Trevino. They're already in Jacob, after about a week and a half! She had told us she wouldn't come to church, but there she was! She's a sweet lady and I don't know when she'll be ready to be baptized, but I don't really doubt she'll get there.

Oh! By the way, I finished reading el Libro de Mormon! I've done everything to get my Spanish certification. Yay! It doesn't mean anything, but it still feels good. :) I think my Spanish is still getting better, even in this area. Sometimes I get really frustrated about being in a state-side mission. I want to learn Spanish really well, and I feel like I'm at such a disadvantage. But I'm not giving God nearly enough credit. The gift of tongues is real and I've seen it work in me. I wouldn't say I'm completely fluent (what does that even mean, anyway?) but I'm completely comfortable in a lesson in Spanish, I'm comfortable speaking, and I can usually understand. It's the conversations that don't have to do with the gospel that still get me, but even those are getting better. And the Latinos keep complimenting my Spanish, so that's a good sign, right? I've been studying hard and we try to speak Spanish together whenever we can/remember. I'm not too worried that I'll learn it. 

So on Wednesday we biked out to Cienegas for the first time. On the way home it started to rain...and rain and rain and rain! And what's even better, Hermana Ludeman got a flat tire! So we were huddled on the side of the road under a tree for probably about half and hour while we waited for the Elders to come pick us up, in the pouring rain with huge cracks of thunder. It was awesome! Haha we loved it so much. People kept pulling over to help us but we told them we had a ride. One lady even gave us an umbrella, but by that time we were already soaked. It was an adventure, that's for sure! The only bad part was that I had forgotten to take my Preach My Gospel out of my backpack after district meeting and it got pretty soaked. Eh. Oh well. The crinkly pages will always remind me of a great memory.

We had a training by our President in Eagle Pass on Saturday, and while we were driving over there I was looking at the huge Texas sky and just thinking about how awesome it is to be a missionary. We feel the Spirit ALL THE TIME. I was studying the Spirit the other day. It is what gives you power and boldness when you teach. It is what fills you with love and sanctifies your soul. It is the medium by which we change. And we feel it ALL THE TIME. I said when I left the MTC that if I had to go home right there I would still be a completely changed person. Now that's just a million times more true. Hopefully by the time I go home I'll be perfect! Haha, fat chance. But still. Even when you look at if from a completely selfish point of view, being a missionary is such a blessing. I can't explain how incredible it feels to be in a lesson and to literally feel the Spirit working through you, giving your words power and testifying of the things you say. It's the greatest feeling I've ever experienced. Yeah. Being a missionary is the greatest.

One more random thing. Texas has the MOST GORGEOUS sunsets, especially lately and especially here where there's not a lot obstructing the view. Seriously, it blows my mind every night. Mom, you would probably faint. The sky is ginormous and all lit up. I used to miss the mountains, but now I've fallen in love with how big the sky is here. I've taken a lot of pictures and if we get a chance to go to the computers that can send pictures I'll send you some. 

 Well, that about wraps it up. Oh! And I don't know if you tried to read the scriptures I recommended last week, but I made a mistake and wrote down the wrong reference. I meant Mormon 2:11-15 and Mosiah 24:8-16. so try it again.

I love you all and I pray for you tons! Have fun at the temple this week, Matt and Kevin! Que tengan una fantastica semana, y que les vaya bien!

Mucho amor,
Hermana Lund

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